How to Rescan Plugins in Reason
At first, make sure your UJAM plug-in is properly installed. Use the Plugin Manager and add the following default paths if they are missing so the DAW can scan the folders:
VST2 |
%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\VSTPlugIns\UJAM\
VST3 |
%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\
VST2 |
Macintosh HD:/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/UJAM/ |
VST3 |
Macintosh HD:/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3/ |
'Preferences >Advanced Settings':
If the plug-in files cannot be found, you might need to check the custom locations you probably used during installation.
Force rescan
If you are experiencing issues getting your plugins to load inside Reason 9, please follow these instructions:
1. Close your DAW and navigate to:
Win: C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Propellerhead Software\Reason
Mac: Macintosh HD:/Users/<Your_Name>/Library/Caches/Reason
2. Drag the file called "_PluginDatabase.dat" out of the folder, and onto the desktop. (Deleting the file would also work, but this way it can be moved back if something goes wrong)
3. Start Reason, which forces a scan because the dat file can't be found by the DAW.
Additional Troubleshooting
If you accidentally added an entire drive – or a folder which contains a huge amount of files – as a custom VST folder, Reason 9.5 might stop responding during launch.
If this should happen, just delete the “Reason Plugin Folder.prf” file in the following location:
- %APPDATA%\Propellerhead Software\Reason
- ~/Library/Preferences
The user (~) Library folder is hidden by default. To find it, select “Go To Folder…” from the “Go” menu in Finder, and paste
- ~/Library/Preferences
- and click “Go”
Then, launch Reason 9.5. Now, only the default VST Plugin Folders should be scanned.
Your plug-in/plug-ins should’ve now been scanned successfully. Enjoy making music!
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