In this video tutorial, you will learn how to do the routing in Ableton Live, but the process will be more-or-less the same in all other professional DAWs. There is also a brief review of the key features in EDEN 2.
Let Daniel take you on a tour through our dance music and EDM specialist Beatmaker EDEN 2. It is your tool for building the right foundation for the next big summer anthem or four to the floor main-room monster.
Full Breakdown Check in Studio One by Kreatve Sound about the full Beatmaker 2 Bundle.
If you own more than one Beatmaker 2, you can now combine phrases from multiple styles in one track: Just drag and drop them into your DAW to build multi-style songs. You can even use phrases across Beatmakers - e.g. play EDEN grooves with DOPE.
Have a look at this quick video to learn how to automate Beatmaker EDEN 2 in Reason Studio! This will work for all Beatmaker in the same way!
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