In this article, we explain how to update the Usynth frame that hosts the Usynth titles like GLAM, DRIVE, DELUXE, CORE, ...
Here’s how to update:
- Close your DAW
- Open the UJAM App
Apply the filter setting 'Updates':
- You’ll see all the available updates (if there are any). In this example, an update is available for Usynth DELUXE:
- Download and install the update.
- Launch your DAW and open Usynth.
Further information:
- A helper plug-in for Usynth can be found at the bottom of the UJAM App. A Usynth frame update usually contains new features or bug fixes for all Usynth titles.
- This helper plugin for Usynth is a bit special. Think of it as the frame or host which loads the individual plug-ins of this series.
- You’ll find it in the 'ENGINES' category of the UJAM App, it works as a small helper tool in the background. You don’t need to worry about it and you probably won’t even notice that it’s there most of the time.
- The Usynth engine will install and update automatically when a Usynth plug-in gets installed or updated.
- You can also manually install or update the helper plugin. To find it in the UJAM App, simply scroll down to the bottom of the product list or use the search bar and type in 'Usynth Engine'.
- Please note that you will not see the Usynth engine in the app, unless there is an update available.
Inside your DAW:
- Simply search for the term 'USYNTH' to find the plug-in in your DAW:
- Open the USYNTH plug-in and click on the upper left corner to open the browser view. Here you’ll see all the Usynth titles, ready for download:
- Please note that you can download the titles directly from within the Usynth plug-in but you also wanna check your UJAM App for available Usynth engine updates from time to time, as you won’t receive an update notification while using Usynth in your DAW.
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