We've heard from some users experiencing that their UJAM plug-in stops working properly (after a while) and also that the sound output does not work anymore. Unfortunately, we weren't able to reproduce this behaviour or fix this bug yet. We are currently working on finding a solution for this issue.
If you know certain steps how to reproduce this behaviour, please let us know!
Here are the best workarounds so far:
1. Delete and undo
You can reset the plug-in by deleting the current MIDI track or the whole track of your stopped playing instance and undo directly afterwards to release the plug-in from this freeze.
2. Use MIDI Drag & Drop
In this case we recommend to use the MIDI drag&drop feature instead of triggering the styles with a single MIDI note. Read more: How to use MIDI Drag & Drop
3. Buffer size/ CPU
We suspect that this problem is triggered by a too high CPU utilization, users reported that this problem no longer occurs since they own a device with higher CPU performance than before.
We recommend setting the buffer size higher, that the computer processor handles the information slower so that it will take fewer system resources and it’s less strenuous on the computer processor.
So increasing the buffer size can help to stay more stable for the plug-in. Some users reported that it could help to set the buffer size higher than at least 500ms to workaround the freeze.
But it really depends on the DAW and your device performance for the best buffer size
and you will probably find a sweet spot in between where you can run plugins without noticing the latency.
When you want to record, we recommend choosing a lower buffer sizes like 64 or 128 with quicker information processing speed to avoid latency. But when it comes to editing, mixing, and mastering, we recommend a really high buffer size for smoother processing like 1024.
4. Close & open project or restart DAW
If nothing could help from step 1 or 2, you can always restart your session or DAW for a complete reset, but this is normally not necessary.
Additional Troubleshooting
Sometimes the plug-in will stop working because of some little MIDI mistakes that will confuse the plug-in engine. Here are some little mistakes that can also cause a dropout when triggering phrases:
- Your MIDI notes should start and end on a straight beat (you can start on the 1,2,3 or 4 but the best start is on the first beat of a measure)
- Make sure that your MIDI notes don't overlap (the playing engine can only play one phrase at a time)
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