Manage all your UJAM plugins in one place: The UJAM App!
To help you get started, we have gathered answers to some frequently asked questions here:
Should I use the UJAM App?
Absolutely! Here are the main features:
Complete download management
- Download and update single plug-ins or all at once
- Start, pause stop and resume downloads
- Download and update single plug-ins or all at once
- Easy installation (just a few clicks needed)
- Start free trials
Instant authorization
- Your plugins are automatically authorized and activated once you have both the UJAM App and one or more plugins installed. Just open your DAW and start making music!
- In case the auto-authorization didn’t work, you can still authorize directly from the plug-in interface using your UJAM credentials.
Where can I download the App?
- Download it from
- Also read the UJAM App | Changelog
Is there any other way to download UJAM plug-ins?
- If you don't want to use the UJAM App or in case the app is not working properly, check out the following article for direct download links: Download & Installation Issues | UJAM App
- Please note that if you are a Usynth, Virtual Pianist or Subcraft user, you do need the UJAM App to use the plugin, as the App works as a helper tool.
Why doesn't the UJAM App show all my plugins?
- The UJAM App usually shows plugins that are available in our store:
- Discontinued plugins are not supported anymore and therefore may not show up in the UJAM app (e.g. a version 1 product if version 2 is available)
- If you have a V1 plugin license you can still download the plugin from your account:
Why isn't a newly purchased product showing up in the UJAM App?
- A) Scroll down to the bottom and click the 'refresh' link:
- B) Restart the App
- Also make sure that the respective license is actually linked and therefore visible in your UJAM account:
- If you purchased at a partner shop, check if you received a coupon code via mail. You probably still need to redeem the code, read more info here.
How do I authorize my plug-ins if my computer isn’t connected to the internet?
- The App doesn’t support offline authorization yet – we’re shaping this workflow though and might add offline authorization in the future.
- Until then, please submit a request to our support team and have a look at this article.
Which operating systems are supported by the App?
- Windows 10 or later
- macOS 10.15 or later
- Earlier OS versions may work, but are unsupported.
How can I connect my account to the App?
1) Log in at
2) Open the UJAM App and click on Sign In:
3) A dialog will pop up in your browser. Enable the "Always allow..." option.
4) Click on ‘Open UJAM‘ and you should see the UJAM App open.
Any advice for general UJAM App Troubleshooting?
Read it here: Troubleshooting | UJAM App
Are there any known issues?
We are aware of some minor issues that we’re going to fix in future updates:
- Or some systems the app might cause an error when downloading or installing software.
- The content location in the app settings sometimes gets ignored and the default location is used instead.
- Licenses are sometimes not correctly displayed after switching the signed in user account.
Product licenses purchased after App start are not always immediately displayed.
- Scroll down to the bottom and click refresh:
- Scroll down to the bottom and click refresh:
- The App is a bit too large for screens smaller than 768 px.
- Versions of plugins installed prior to the App installation are sometimes not properly recognized.
- Installing Updates to runtime might cause Issues – please make sure to close all running plugins prior to installing updates.
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